WHP plans should be updated and revised whenever new information relating to contaminant sources (existing and potential), aquifer characteristics, well construction, source management approaches, or contingency planning becomes available. The WHP plan must be updated at least every two years, and revised as necessary to reflect new information or data pertaining to:

Copies of revised WHPA delineations, Source Identification forms, Source Inventory lists, 'Source Overlays', source management strategies, Contingency Plans and plans for siting new wells must be submitted to WDEQ/WQD at least every two years, and must also be included in the community's copy of its WHP plan.

If there have been no changes over the previous two years, a letter must be submitted to WDEQ/WQD documenting that the WHP plan has been reviewed and that no changes within the factors listed above have occurred within the previous two years; the letter should be signed by a representative of the local government, or superintendent/manager of the PWS.

All documentation relating to reviews and updates must be amended to, or incorporated into the local WHP Plan.

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Wellhead Protection Program Guidance Document Contents
Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality