Appendix B

Concern Inc.
1794 Columbia Road, NW
Washington, DC 20009
Concern provides environmental information to individuals and groups and encourages them to act in their communities. Concern publishes concise reports defining key environmental issues and containing suggestions for individual and group action, organizes workshops, conferences and exhibits and undertakes other educational activities.

Environmental Defense Fund
257 Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10010
A national research, education and advocacy organization, EDF has conducted research on leaking storage tanks and works on public policy issues including wetlands, restoration of the Everglades and reauthorization of the Clean Water Act. EDF has offices in seven states and the District of Columbia.

Steenbock Library, Room B142
550 Babcock Drive
Madison, WI 53706
Farm-A-Syst is a volunteer program to help farmers and rural residents on private wells conduct water pollution risk assessments and develop an action plan to reduce the risks identified. The program is under way in 22 states and in the planning stages in others. In fall 1993 the program started work on a Home-A-Syst program to serve nonfarm private well users in the northeast.

Freshwater Foundation
Spring Hill Center
725 County Road Six
Wayzata, MN 55391
Freshwater Foundation pursues the protection of freshwater resources through educational programs, resource management, demonstration projects and freshwater research. Since 1985 the foundation has been a partner in U.S. Water News (see publications).

Freshwater Institute
The Conservation Fund
P.O. Box 1746
Shepherdstown, WV 25443
Freshwater Institute is a program of The Conservation Fund, a national nonprofit land and water conservation organization. The institute explores practical, innovative approaches to the protection, conservation and use of our nation's fresh water resources.

Friends of the Earth
1025 Vermont Avenue, NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20005
FOE is an international environmental organization that works on a range of public policy issues. FOE works to protect groundwater through influencing federal legislation, providing technical assistance to local groups, and holding a biennial citizen's groundwater conference. FOE has offices in Seattle, Washington, and the District of Columbia, as well as 51 international affiliates.

The American Water Works Association (AWWA)
6666 Quincy Ave.,
Denver, CO 80235
The AWWA has developed an award program to recognize water systems which have developed and are implementing exemplary Wellhead Protection (WHP) Programs. This program will include awards (up to three per state per year) to water systems selected by each section that has qualifying water systems.

The Urban Institute
2100 M Street, NW
Washington, DC 20037
The Urban Institute is a nonprofit, nonpartisan policy research organization that works on a range of public interest issues including groundwater protection. The institute has produced "Suggestions For State and local Groundwater Protection Programs", a series of publications providing guidance on accessing information, encouraging local efforts and encouraging business and public involvement in groundwater protection. Write or call for more information.

EPA Safe Drinking Water (SDW) Hotline: (800)426-4791
The SDW Hotline is available to help State and local officials and the public understand the regulations and programs developed in response to the Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1986 and 1996. For groundwater and wellhead protection issues, the Hotline can provide general information about the national program, and State and EPA Regional groundwater contacts. The Hotline also has information about the National Rural Water Association's program to assist small communities to develop local drinking protection plans.

EPA Office of Water Resource Center
The Center has a complete listing of all wellhead protection, groundwater, and drinking water publications. If the documents are available, the Resource Center will send copies to interested parties free of charge. If the document requested is currently unavailable from EPA, the Resource Center has alternate ordering information. For information on the Compendium of Local Wellhead Protection Ordinances (EPA Doc. No. 570/9-91-024A-D), please contact your EPA Regional Groundwater Office.


Water Resource Center (RC4100)
Room G099B 401 M St., S.W.
Washington, DC 20460
(202)260-0386 (fax)

The Groundwater Foundation
The Groundwater foundation is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to educating the public about the conservation and management of groundwater. The Foundation sponsors a variety of youth programs, such as the Nebraska Children's Water Festival and Groundwater University. The Foundation also sponsors the Groundwater Guardian program and a fall symposium that each year explores all aspects of a groundwater-related issue. Foundation publications include the Aquifer, a quarterly journal on groundwater issues; Sprinkles, a water festival newsletter; and guides, such as Making Waves: How To Put On A Water Festival, to help communities establish their own youth programs.


The Groundwater Foundation
P.O. Box 22558
Lincoln, NE 68542-2558

Groundwater Guardian Program
This is a national program to support and recognize communities actively protecting their groundwater. Communities form a Groundwater guardian team to develop and implement a program to increase groundwater awareness and protection. Communities designated Groundwater Guardians receive national recognition at an annual conference in November. The Groundwater Guardian Program Guide includes helpful information on forming a local team and activities to both educate the community about groundwater and involve the community in protecting local groundwater resources. All Guardian communities receive the quarterly newsletter, Infiltration.


The Groundwater Foundation
P.O. Box 22558
Lincoln, NE 68542-2558

Give Water a Hand: Youth Action Program Promoting Good Water Management Practices at home and in the Community. Kadi Row, Project Coordinator. Leader Guidebook and Site Action Plan. Give Water a Hand is a national youth water education program developed to engage you g people in community-based, natural resource service projects. The materials help young people protect and improve local water resources with the assistance of local resources experts. Using a watershed approach, the program illustrates the natural link between community action and environmental problem solving.


Kadi Row, Project Coordinator
University of Wisconsin-Extension
1450 linden Drive, Room 216
Madison, WI 53706
(608)262-2031 (fax)

Spread the Word for Water: The National Drinking Water Week Kit. American Water Works Association.
Drinking Water Week, a cooperative effort by the National Drinking Water Alliance, is an annual event in the first week of May. This kit contains a wide variety of resources to help communities plan media coverage and events for all ages. Included are informational materials on conserving and protecting water resources and getting involved in local drinking water issues. Outreach materials include information for the local media and student handouts and worksheets.


Public Affairs Department
American Water Works Association
6666 W. Quincy Avenue
Denver, Co 80235

Wellhead Protection Training Kit.
The Training Kit includes nine modules that describe each phase of wellhead protection program development and implementation. The modules cover each step of a wellhead protection program, an introduction to local ordinances, information specific to working with Native American tribes, and a brief description of the EPA technical assistance document on wellhead protection. Each module includes slides, detailed "instructors notes" for each slide, and "briefing notes" that describe the main points of each slide. The briefing and instructors notes may be copied for distribution to participants. For additional information about the kit, please contact your local EPA Regional Groundwater office.

Precious GEMS: Groundwater Education Strategies that Work. Sandy Fugate. W.K. Kellogg Foundation. 1993.
This report shares the experiences of the Groundwater Education in Michigan (GEM) program, which focuses on educating and empowering local citizens to protect their groundwater at the grass roots level. The report is full of advice and examples of what worked and failed in getting a community active in groundwater protection. The areas of importance are: local ownership, networking, education, leadership, and project sustainability. The report contains the contacts for various GEM projects and an extensive list of groundwater educational materials proven useful by GEM.


W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Literature Department
One Michigan Avenue
East Battle Creek, MI 49017-4058

Protect Your Groundwater: Educating for Action. Christine Mueller, Lucilla Tan, Monica Sullivan, and Elizabeth Kraft. League of Women Voters Education Fund. 1994. This publication is specifically written to help prevent groundwater contamination by educating the public and others about the sources of contamination. Informative diagrams in the introduction make one familiar with groundwater geology. Seven steps to a successful groundwater education program are covered. They are: getting started; researching and developing information, development and distribution of materials, organizing public meetings, forums, and workshops; publicity; fundraising, and keeping the program going. Specific tips, examples of projects, surveys, and publications covers, and case studies show how programs may be implemented. Five appendices provide more addresses, possible sources of groundwater contamination, forms to assist in the implementation of programs, and a list of resources.


Publications Department
League of Women Voters Education Fund
1730 M. Street, NW, 10th Floor
Washington, DC 20036

Water Sourcebook: A Series of Classroom Activities for Grades 3-5.
Produced for Legacy, Inc., Partners in Environmental Education, in cooperation with US EPA. Prepared by Tennessee Valley Authority - Environmental Education Section.


Water Environment Federation
601 Wythe St.,
Alexandria, VA 22314-1994

Water Wise, Colorado.
A curriculum project consisting of manuscript, computer software and field laboratory kits designed to educate primary and secondary school children in the wise use of water and improving water quality.


Central Colorado Water Conservancy District
3209 W. 28th St.,
Greeley, CO 80631

Volunteers for the Environment: How-to Manual for Groundwater Protection Projects. Lillian Smith Mandarchik. National Association of RSVP Directors, Inc. 1992. This publication presents a case study of the groundwater protection program in El Paso, Texas, that used the technical training and guidance of volunteers to conduct an inventory of potential sources of groundwater contamination. This inventory was then used to delineate wellhead protection areas. It includes concise steps for recruiting volunteers and advice as to how to: use the media, conduct information seminars, conduct the inventory, and reward volunteers. An extensive list of suggestions for conducting the inventory is included, along with samples of volunteer information, and inventory form, a seminar agenda, and news releases.


RSVP Program
2 Civic Center Plaza
El Paso, TX 79901

Source Water Protection: An Ounce of Prevention.
This four-hour, two-cassette-length videotape captures the American Water Works Association's teleconference as it was broadcast live on August 3, 1995. All presentations, panel discussions, and question-and-answer sessions are included. Each teleconference video is accompanied by a copy of the 180 page Participant Guide, containing outlines and graphics of all presentations, as well as reprinted articles on related topics.


American Water Works Assoc.
Catalog number of the video and Participant guide: 65098
Catalog number for additional Participant Guides: 20408

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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R
Wellhead Protection Program Guidance Document Contents
Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality