Supercell over Laramie
WRDS/SCO may be working remotely so there could be a slight delay returning phone calls. Please email if you are in need of information and we will respond as soon as possible

Wyoming Water and Climate Explorer

All users: Some pop-up blockers may affect certain functions of this application (windows opened when identifying features, etc). It is advised that you either disable pop-up blockers or you more selectively set an exception to allow pop-ups from (this is the recommended option).

Mobile users: While every attempt has been made to make this application mobile-friendly, it is not practical to spend a lot of development time to make sure that ALL devices are accommodated. At a certain size, it just does not make sense to be viewing a mapping application on a small screen and expect full functionality. Your Nokia 8110 at 240x360 resolution will not provide a decent viewing experience!

However, we have tried to make this as useable as possible to as large a constituency as possible and, if the largest resolution of your screen is at least 640 pixels, you will be able to experience all of the functionality, though a very few features might require some horizontal scrolling. From our user-base over the last year, it was determined that developing for a minimum of 640 pixels on the longest edge would accommodate 99% of our users.

It is recommended, though, that your largest resolution be 800 pixels or more and we suggest that you view the application in landscape mode and take advantage of full screen viewing (the button with the opposing arrows in the lower left of your screen).

The Explorer has been tested on mobile using Chrome, Edge, Opera, and Firefox and performs well. It also has been tested with the Samsung Internet Browser and, while the vast majority of the functionality is present, there are a few quirks affecting colors and the display of at least one or two layers.


V3.0 - 18 Oct 2024

Upgrade base engine to 9.2.1
Geoserver upgrade
Platform upgrade

  • Daily volume of snow water equivalent by Basin, Sub-Basin, Watershed, and Sub-Watershed (6th-, 8th-, 10th-, and 12th-level HUC) (Water Year 2003 to present)
  • View plot of Mean Daily Temperature Data (1981 to Present) for any spot in the Lower 48
  • Graphs and Data for daily Snow Water Equivalent and Depth (Water Year 2004 to present)
  • Frost Temperature Probabilities and dates of Occurrence (1981 to present)
  • Number of days per year with maximum temperatures exceeding various temperature thresholds
  • Number of days per year with maximum temperatures below various temperature thresholds
  • Number of days per year with minimum temperatures below various temperature thresholds
  • Daily maximum temperature percentiles at each PRISM grid cell
  • Daily minimum temperature percentiles at each PRISM grid cell
  • Historical US Drought Monitor Categories at each PRISM grid cell
  • Average minimum, mean, and maximum temepratures over various date ranges, ie 7-Day, 14-Day, ..., 3-Year
  • Condition Monitoring Observer Reports (CMOR) data added for last 7 and 30 days
  • Daily temperature, precipitation, and snowfall/snowdepth Records for COOP, SnoTel, CoCoRaHS and other stations
  • Monthly temperature Records for COOP, SnoTel, and other stations
  • Sequences of Consecutive Days with no Precipitation for each Station (COOP, Snotel, CoCoRaHS, etc)
  • Irrigation Districts
  • Summaries by month for temperature, preciptiation, and snowfall/snowdepth
  • V2.3 - 15 Apr 2024

  • Zoom to your location
  • V2.2 - 13 Feb 2024

  • Measure distances
  • Query Snow Depth at location
  • Query Snow Water Equivalent at location
  • V2.1 - 12 Dec 2023

    Upgrade base engine to ol-8.2.0

    Reset map to north feature if a user has changed the angle

    Recoded all attribute windows to be functional on mobile

    V1.0 - 19 Oct 2023 - Public Release

    Complete overhaul of Water and Climate Atlas

    New interface

    Expand number of layers available