All the following yields are based on the fifty percent chance April
through September yield. Yield for the North Platte River near Northgate
is expected to be about 156,000 acre-feet (58 percent of average).
Encampment River near Encampment is estimated to yield 63,000 acre-feet (40
percent of normal). North Platte River near Sinclair will yield about
358,000 acre-feet (50 percent of normal). Rock Creek near Arlington is
estimated to yield 44,000 acre-feet (79 percent of average). Medicine Bow
River above Seminoe Reservoir is expected to yield about 57,000 acre-feet
(45 percent of normal). Seminoe Reservoir inflow should be about (423,000
acre-feet (50 percent of normal). See the following table for more
detailed information on projected runoff.
================================================================================================================================== UPPER NORTH PLATTE RIVER BASIN Streamflow Forecasts - March 1, 2000 ================================================================================================================================== | <<====== Drier ====== Future Conditions ======= Wetter =====>> | | | Forecast Point Forecast | ==================== Chance Of Exceeding * ====================== | Period | 90% 70% | 50% (Most Probable) | 30% 10% | 30-Yr Avg. | (1000AF) (1000AF) | (1000AF) (% AVG.) | (1000AF) (1000AF) | (1000AF) ====================================================================|=======================|===================================== North Platte River nr Northgate APR-SEP 159 228 | 275 102 | 322 391 271 | | Encampment River nr Encampment APR-SEP 81 107 | 125 80 | 143 169 156 | | North Platte River nr Sinclair APR-SEP 368 542 | 660 92 | 778 952 719 | | Rock Creek nr Arlington APR-SEP 33 43 | 50 89 | 58 70 56 | | Medicine Bow River ab Seminoe Reserv APR-SEP 26 54 | 80 63 | 110 164 127 | | Seminoe Reservoir inflow APR-JUL 395 574 | 695 88 | 816 995 788 APR-SEP 421 614 | 745 88 | 876 1069 851 | | ================================================================================================================================== UPPER NORTH PLATTE RIVER BASIN | UPPER NORTH PLATTE RIVER BASIN Reservoir Storage (1000 AF) - End of February | Watershed Snowpack Analysis - March 1, 2000 ================================================================================================================================== Usable | *** Usable Storage *** | Number This Year as % of Reservoir Capacity| This Last | Watershed of ================= | Year Year Avg | Data Sites Last Yr Average ========================================================================|========================================================= SEMINOE 1016.7 798.2 705.2 409.0 | N PLATTE above Northgate 8 107 104 | | ENCAMPMENT RIVER 4 88 83 | | BRUSH CREEK 5 76 85 | | MEDICINE BOW & ROCK CREEK 3 75 70 | | N PLATTE above Seminoe 20 90 90 | ================================================================================================================================== * 90%, 70%, 30%, and 10% chances of exceeding are the probabilities that the actual volume will exceed the volumes in the table. The average is computed for the 1961-1990 base period. (1) - The values listed under the 10% and 90% Chance of Exceeding are actually 5% and 95% exceedance levels. (2) - The value is natural volume - actual volume may be affected by upstream water management.