Snow conditions improved across the State in February, but SWE is
generally just below average across the State. SWE in the
northwestern portion of Wyoming improved significantly, but is still
about 87 percent of average. Northeast Wyoming SWE is also running
about 87 percent of average. The Southeast and Southwest portions of
the State generally have about 90 percent of average SWE, but areas
range from 70 to 110 percent of average.
February precipitation was generally good across the state. The
following table displays the major river basins and their departure
from normal for February 2000.
Basin | Departure from normal | Basin | Departure from normal |
Snake River | +12% | Upper North Platte River | +32% |
Yellowstone & Madison | +20% | Lower North Platte River | +15% |
Wind River | 0% | Little Snake River | +84% |
Bighorn | +10% | Upper Green River | +09% |
Shoshone & Clarks Fork | +34% | Lower Green River | +32% |
Powder & Tongue River | +14% | Upper Bear River | +41% |
Belle Fourche & Cheyenne | +51% |
Stream flow yield is expected to be below average across the State.
The northwest part of the State is expected to yield about 75-80
percent of normal -- yield estimates vary from 56 to 93 percent of
normal through the northwest region of the State. Yield from the
northeast portion of Wyoming will be below average (about 70 percent
of average) -- yield estimates vary from 46 to 91 percent of average
for the various forecast points. In most cases, the southeast portion
of the state will be about 80 percent of normal -- yield estimates
range from 63 to 102 percent of normal. The southwest portion of
Wyoming varies from 67 to 92 percent of average -- mean estimated
yield for the forecast points in southeast Wyoming is about 83 percent
of average.
Although several reservoirs did not report, reservoir storage for
those reporting is generally above average for this time of the year.
See following table for further information about reservoir storage.
Major Reservoirs in Wyoming
R E S E R V O I R S U M M A R Y for the end of FEBRUARY 2000 BASIN AREA CURRENT LAST YEAR AVERAGE CAPACITY RESERVOIR STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE OF RESV. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SNAKE RIVER BASIN ALCOVA 156.1 157.7 157.1 184.3 ANGOSTURA 113.6 120.9 101.7 122.1 BELLE FOURCHE 173.6 167.4 113.0 178.4 BIG SANDY --- 33.1 18.4 38.3 BOYSEN 527.3 550.0 555.2 596.0 BUFFALO BILL 441.8 436.9 391.2 646.6 BULL LAKE 95.2 97.8 85.0 151.8 DEERFIELD 14.7 14.8 13.2 15.2 EDEN --- --- 4.1 11.8 FLAMING GORGE 3208 3265.3 --- 3749.0 FONTENELLE 130.8 144.8 172.0 344.8 GLENDO 381.8 450.9 383.1 506.4 GRASSY LAKE 12.5 13.1 11.0 15.2 GUERNSEY 15.9 19.4 13.6 45.6 HEBGEN LAKE 320.6 289.2 247.8 377.5 JACKSON LAKE 653.5 623.4 481.0 847.0 KEYHOLE 173.5 178.6 101.9 193.8 PACTOLA 54.1 52.0 46.0 55.0 PALISADES 1247.1 1039.3 1063.1 1400.0 PATHFINDER 960.5 916.7 590.0 1016.5 PILOT BUTTE 22.4 22.0 17.7 31.6 SEMINOE 798.2 705.2 409.0 1016.7 SHADEHILL 53.5 69.7 50.0 81.4 VIVA NAUGHTON RES 34.5 30.6 27.8 42.4 WHEATLAND #2 70.0 61.0 43.2 98.9 WOODRUFF NARROWS 50.0 46.5 --- 57.3 KENDRICK PROJECT 989.9 979.1 818.1 1201.7 GLENDO PROJECT USERS 154.7 159.3 126.8 183.2 NORTH PLATTE PROJ 998.6 910.2 633.3 1062.1