The most probable, 50 percent chance, April through September runoff yield forecast is below average for the basin. The Snake near Moran is expected to yield 702,000 acre-feet (81 percent of normal).
Yield from the Snake River above Palisades Reservoir is estimated to be 2,166,000 acre-feet (81 percent of normal). The 50 percent chance yield near Heise is expected to be 3,170,000 acre-feet (78 percent
of normal). Pacific Creek at Moran is expected to yield about 131,000 acre-feet (79 percent of average). Greys River above Palisades Reservoir is estimated to yield 280,000 acre-feet (72 percent of
normal). Salt River near Etna is estimated to have a yield of 285,000 acre-feet (71 percent of normal).
================================================================================================================================== SNAKE RIVER BASIN Streamflow Forecasts - January 1, 2000 ================================================================================================================================== | <<====== Drier ====== Future Conditions ======= Wetter =====>> | | | Forecast Point Forecast | ==================== Chance Of Exceeding * ====================== | Period | 90% 70% | 50% (Most Probable) | 30% 10% | 30-Yr Avg. | (1000AF) (1000AF) | (1000AF) (% AVG.) | (1000AF) (1000AF) | (1000AF) ====================================================================|=======================|===================================== SNAKE near Moran (1,2) APR-SEP 466 628 | 702 81 | 776 938 869 | | SNAKE above Palisades (2) APR-SEP 1593 1934 | 2166 81 | 2398 2739 2671 | | SNAKE near Heise (2) APR-SEP 2257 2801 | 3170 78 | 3539 4083 4049 | | PACIFIC CREEK at Moran APR-SEP 87 113 | 131 79 | 149 175 166 | | GREYS above Palisades APR-SEP 170 235 | 280 72 | 325 390 388 | | SALT near Etna APR-SEP 151 231 | 285 71 | 339 419 399 | | ================================================================================================================================== SNAKE RIVER BASIN | SNAKE RIVER BASIN Reservoir Storage (1000 AF) - End of December | Watershed Snowpack Analysis - January 1, 2000 ================================================================================================================================== Usable | *** Usable Storage *** | Number This Year as % of Reservoir Capacity| This Last | Watershed of ================= | Year Year Avg | Data Sites Last Yr Average ========================================================================|========================================================= GRASSY LAKE 15.2 12.2 12.6 10.5 | SNAKE above Jackson Lake 9 60 66 | JACKSON LAKE 847.0 632.3 590.0 470.2 | PACIFIC CREEK 3 59 69 | PALISADES 1400.0 1173.0 1207.3 1036.0 | GROS VENTRE RIVER 2 50 47 | | HOBACK RIVER 5 61 57 | | GREYS RIVER 3 66 62 | | SALT RIVER 3 66 64 | | SNAKE above Palisades 21 61 63 | ================================================================================================================================== * 90%, 70%, 30%, and 10% chances of exceeding are the probabilities that the actual volume will exceed the volumes in the table. The average is computed for the 1961-1990 base period. (1) - The values listed under the 10% and 90% Chance of Exceeding are actually 5% and 95% exceedance levels. (2) - The value is natural volume - actual volume may be affected by upstream water management. (3) - Forecasts produced in cooperation with Alberta Forecasting Staff Canada