Runoff yield in the Little Snake River drainage is expected to be just below
normal this year. Stream yield is based on the 50 percent probability for
the April through July forecast period. The Little Snake River near Slater
should yield about 140,000 acre-feet (90 percent of normal). Little Snake
River near Dixon is estimated to yield 290,000 acre-feet (88 percent of
================================================================================================================================== LITTLE SNAKE RIVER BASIN Streamflow Forecasts - May 1, 1999 ================================================================================================================================== | <<====== Drier ====== Future Conditions ======= Wetter =====>> | | | Forecast Point Forecast | ==================== Chance Of Exceeding * ====================== | Period | 90% 70% | 50% (Most Probable) | 30% 10% | 30-Yr Avg. | (1000AF) (1000AF) | (1000AF) (% AVG.) | (1000AF) (1000AF) | (1000AF) ====================================================================|=======================|===================================== Little Snake River nr Slater APR-JUL 98 122 | 140 90 | 159 189 155 | | LITTLE SNAKE R nr Dixon APR-JUL 184 247 | 290 88 | 333 396 329 | | ================================================================================================================================== LITTLE SNAKE RIVER BASIN | LITTLE SNAKE RIVER BASIN Reservoir Storage (1000 AF) - End of April | Watershed Snowpack Analysis - May 1, 1999 ================================================================================================================================== Usable | *** Usable Storage *** | Number This Year as % of Reservoir Capacity| This Last | Watershed of ================= | Year Year Avg | Data Sites Last Yr Average ========================================================================|========================================================= | LITTLE SNAKE RIVER 8 109 98 | ================================================================================================================================== * 90%, 70%, 30%, and 10% chances of exceeding are the probabilities that the actual volume will exceed the volumes in the table. The average is computed for the 1961-1990 base period. (1) - The values listed under the 10% and 90% Chance of Exceeding are actually 5% and 95% exceedance levels. (2) - The value is natural volume - actual volume may be affected by upstream water management.