All forecast points are predicted to be average to well above
average. The Wind River below Boysen is forecast to yield
1,120,000 acre feet (148 percent of average); the Nowood
River near Ten Sleep should yield near 60,000 acre feet
(125 percent of normal); the Greybull River near Meeteese
should yield 265,000 acre feet (136 percent of average);
Shell Creek near Shell should yield 85,000 acre feet (118
percent of average) and the Bighorn River at Kane should
yield 1,585,000 acre feet (153 percent of average).
================================================================================================================================== BIGHORN RIVER BASIN Streamflow Forecasts - May 1, 1997 ================================================================================================================================== | <<====== Drier ====== Future Conditions ======= Wetter =====>> | | | Forecast Point Forecast | ==================== Chance Of Exceeding * ====================== | Period | 90% 70% | 50% (Most Probable) | 30% 10% | 30-Yr Avg. | (1000AF) (1000AF) | (1000AF) (% AVG.) | (1000AF) (1000AF) | (1000AF) ====================================================================|=======================|===================================== WIND RIVER below Boysen (2) MAY-SEP 861 1015 | 1120 148 | 1225 1379 758 | | NOWOOD RIVER near Tensleep MAY-SEP 38 51 | 60 125 | 69 83 48 | | GREYBULL RIVER at Meeteetse MAY-SEP 233 252 | 265 136 | 278 297 195 | | SHELL CREEK near Shell MAY-SEP 75 81 | 85 118 | 89 95 72 | | BIGHORN RIVER at Kane (2) MAY-SEP 1209 1433 | 1585 153 | 1737 1961 1039 | | ================================================================================================================================== BIGHORN RIVER BASIN | BIGHORN RIVER BASIN Reservoir Storage (1000 AF) - End of April | Watershed Snowpack Analysis - May 1, 1997 ================================================================================================================================== Usable | *** Usable Storage *** | Number This Year as % of Reservoir Capacity| This Last | Watershed of ================= | Year Year Avg | Data Sites Last Yr Average ========================================================================|========================================================= BOYSEN 596.0 381.3 453.2 502.6 | NOWOOD RIVER 5 104 128 | BIGHORN LAKE 1356.0 700.8 767.1 789.2 | GREYBULL RIVER 2 96 138 | | SHELL CREEK 4 98 115 | | BIGHORN (Boysen-Bighorn) 11 100 123 | ================================================================================================================================== * 90%, 70%, 30%, and 10% chances of exceeding are the probabilities that the actual volume will exceed the volumes in the table. The average is computed for the 1961-1990 base period. (1) - The values listed under the 10% and 90% Chance of Exceeding are actually 5% and 95% exceedance levels. (2) - The value is natural volume - actual volume may be affected by upstream water management.