Wind-blown Snow as a Water Resource
Basics of Blizzards and Snowdrift Control

Snowdrift Control Costs
Moving snow with machines gets expensive. It costs time, fuel, and equipment maintenance (leave out the inconvenience). An average figure from highway departments around the U.S.A. was $3/ton in 1994, and it's not getting cheaper. A snow fence, built to last more than 20 years and designed to match snow transport, removes snowdrifts at a cost of $0.03/ton. That's right, three cents a ton (and you get to sleep through blizzards). Such a deal!

There's lots more about snow control benefits and costs (see Tabler and Jairell, 1993; Tabler, 1994). For now, we'll put it this way--shoveling snow usually doesn't make economic sense (unless you're digging out the car to head south for the winter).

Then again, if you're looking for a winter exercise program....

How a Snow Fence Works

To Basics of Snowdrift Control